Thanks for reading this. One of the big things that has been happening in my life this year has to do with my ability to be thankful in all circumstances. I used to be quite an ungrateful person, and i'm definitely not out of the woods yet, but I know that I have made some progress in this area.
One Thessalonians Chapter Five and Verse 18.
Often in life we think that if we could change our job, or move to a new city, or something like that, then life might be better. I know people who have done all of these things and are still miserable. That's because they are trying to change how they feel by changing what they do or where they are... Sometimes a change in scenery can give us a kick start, new lifestyle or new perspective, which is great, but often people do these things because it is much easier than facing their problem, and changing themselves. The best way to change yourself is by changing yourself, not by changing your job or house. It is the best way, but also the hardest.
I'd say it's about the hardest thing anyone will ever do. Opposing yourself and talking back to yourself. Take my ungratefulness for example. Only in the last couple of months have I noticed that I am thankful in most cirumstances, possibly all of my average daily circumstances. I havn't had anything major to confront so i'm not sure how I would handle that, but I am quite stoked that I seem to be saying thankyou regularly throughout my day. Even when my back was stuffed, I was genuinely thankful that my arms and legs were fine and that I could at least do something. I was also grateful that I had enough money to go to the physio and that my boss gave me time to go. I was in pain, but I was still happy and laughing about it! That's a good way to be I think!I hope I can keep it going!
But it wasn't always this way. A couple of years ago I would whine about everything and feel like the world was against me, but I decided to change my attitude and worked very hard at trying to be thankful until now where it has become a much more natural mindset.
So if you are negative and depressed, that sucks, but the only way to change is to do something about it. No amount of complaining will make other people fix you. You are not a child any more, you are an adult and you had better start acting like one. It's your life, so you make the decisions. Stop blaming others for your situation. Your life is your responsibilty, no one else will do it for you. The sooner you realise this, the sooner you can get on with living, and not just letting life pass you by.
You know that song "Thankyou very much for your kind donation...thankyou very much, thankyou very, very, very much..." Well I was singin the same tune in my head just before, except the words were changed to "Thankyou very much in my situation, thankyou very much, thankyou very, very, very much"
You don't have to be thankful that you hate your life, that's stupid, but you could be thankful that you can read this, think about it, make a coffee, feed yourself, walk, breathe, know where your next meal is coming from, have family and friends, have strength to get up and go to work, have had some cool experiences in life, the list is endless...and only cut short by your limited perspective.
"Without vision, the people perish" In this case, as soon as you lose your vision, or healthy perspective, then you lose sight of the many things you have to be thankful for. And then you perish, or die on the inside... God, life, other people and you are waiting for you to choose to be thankful. Always look on the bright side of life... Its hard at first but gets easier the more you choose to do it.
Thanks for reading:)