Saturday, September 25, 2010

Observations on the life of a wise man - Marcus Ardern

Copied from Marcus Ardern's webpage. This is not my own work! But I really love it!

Observations on the life of a wise man

The bible gives us in the book of Proverbs a portrait of the wise man in comparison to the fool. It becomes clear in life as one looks back that there have been times when one has played the fool, lived foolishly and made foolish decisions that released less than salubrious conditions into our lives. Relationships can be lost or damaged. Reputations can be damaged or one became a pariah among former friends…it makes no sense to wreck the happiness of your own future by continuing in foolishness until we actually qualify for the summary label of being The Fool…
No doubt you would not like to be known as a fool. Even worse if the label is accurate. Solomon himself with all his clever insights and Godly wisdom later admitted he had acted foolishly and given in to sin even though he knew better and had warned others away from it. Knowledge is no protection if it remains unapplied…the word must be made flesh. We must embody the nobler path we know and fortunately God gives insights as it is written in Psalm 16 “Thou wilt show me” (the path of life).
So now we look into the book of proverbs to see the characteristics or outward observable signs of a wise man or woman. Instead of quoting a particular translation I have presented what I believe the verse points to in meaning. You may follow the references in a king James Bible or other translation. I suggest you accept nothing you feel remains unproven by the Bible itself.(acts seventeen verse eleven)
One observation I make after years of careful consideration of the church of believers I have seen in many locations around the globe: many leaders and believers excuse and allow themselves attitudes and beliefs about behaviours that run directly contrary to what Holy Scripture advises. Sooner or later the fruit arrives into the life and result is trouble. The Good News is that God has given us a Person as a Saviour: The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and that He has made available Truth that sets us free. To reject Gods word is to reject salvation, because The Way of Salvation is itself rejected. You cannot experience right results if you are living wrongly and without repentance. Faith and Obedience to The Gospel is the wisest course. Ultimately it confirms itself as enlightened self interest. The testimony of God is true, so I believe that to reject his testimony is to not know what is false such a man or woman lacks insight and ability to discern distinctions so their assessments, judgments and choices become blurred or downright wrong (blindness or short sightedness, see 2 Peter 1:9).
Here is that look into proverbs:
The wise one listens well and learns (1:5)
The wise one becomes discrete and prudent in life matters and choices (2:10-11)
Being wise brings honourable reputation (3:34-35)
Honestly seeking for and cherishing wisdom yields good dividends! You succeed in finding it and along with that its results: righteousness, a rich and enriched life and glory (8:17-21)
Wisdom gives you extra days (9:11)
Wisdom makes you become teachable instead of chattering and garrulous (10:8)
If you possess real wisdom it makes you eager to learn more and preserve the knowledge. (10:14)
If you have grown in understanding you will know how to hold your peace (11:2)
Less prudent people will end up as your subordinates (11:29)
Real wisdom inspires commendations from others (12:8)
Wisdom is indicated when a man is genuinely interested in learning (12:15)
The wise one does not blab everything he knows even though he may have a veritable fountain of wisdom present to fuel his lips (12:23)
A wise son is willing to really hear his father’s corrections (13:1)
Being well instructed brings favour into your life (13:15)
Wise companions bring wisdom into your life, it is learned from company just as foolishness is (13:20)
A wise woman helps her own house grow and flourish richly (14:1)
Wise speech preserves lives (14:3)
It is easier to learn when you have become a person with understanding (14:6)
Ability to scan and discern (comprehend)the likely outcomes of your choices is “your wisdom”.(14:8)
Right proper reverence is natural to a wise person (the reverence for truth that enables you to take note of and avoid dangers) (14:16)
It is cautious prudence that confers glorious knowledge upon you to be admired. (14:18)
Hidden reservoirs of knowledge are within the heart of a truly wise person, even if they are silent about it (14:33)
A wise person considers how to communicate wisdom effectively to the hearer so that it can be received correctly…(15:2)
Openness to receiving an instructing reproof follows on from having learned to be prudent instead of rash or hasty. (15:5)
The wise person does not enjoy stupidity but walks carefully, discretely, wisely.(15:21)
Living by wise choices will give you very good things. (16:20)
If you are wise, others will report your prudence and good judgment. (16:21)
Wisdom within is revealed by the words of your lips. (16:23)
If you have real wisdom you will deal in a focused way with matters that need immediate attention, under your nose (17:24)
If you are wise, you won’t say much. If you really know, you will be controlled and cool (17:27)
It is wisdom not to allow angers to suddenly rise up nor to draw attentions to wrongs suffered. It is the honourable way to proceed (19:11)
The wise man does not give way to a life of drunkenness which clouds his mind (20:1)
Real wisdom brings treasurable things into your life and teaches you how to conserve them so that the treasure remains in the house instead of being foolishly wasted in premature consumption (21:20)
Wisdom teaches you strategies for dealing with tricky and self confident people who think themselves immune within their protections , like a fortressed city (21:22)
Behaving wisely makes you the offspring that brings joy to your parents (23:24-25)
The wise person builds upon, adds to, his strengths multiplies his powers by becoming strengthened with good advice (24:5)
It is very rewarding to live a wise life and as a result your hopes will not turn out to be futile dreaming (24:14)
The wise one does not act in a rash, ill considered way, but looks for or recognizes possible danger ahead then avoids bad consequences by acting wisely (27:12. also 1:17)
A good source of understanding is to keep hungry for the things of God and for God Himself (28:5)
The wise person stills his anger, restrains himself, until the appropriate time (29:11)
As Malcolm Muggeridge has said “a thing is often best understood by examining its opposites.”
So perhaps you may like to also look at my article on the observations of the fool, also from proverbs. Examine you own behaviours for your own sakes and for the sakes of those around you, and for The Lords sake.
© 2009 Marcus Ardern

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