Living through a major earthquake hasn't been the most enjoyable experience that i've been through. And I have got off relatively lightly when compared to those who have lost their homes and jobs etc. Thankfully, no one was killed in the earthquake!
While there has been all sorts of damage throughout our city, and wider region, a substantial amount of the damage has occurred to older brick buildings. Which made me think. Just like these buildings, our lives are made up of many "bricks". In life we build foundations and then slowly constuct our lives, piece by piece, brick by brick.
The problem with these buildings was that the mortar and reinforcing etc that was holding the bricks together gave way. It was not necessarily the bricks that were the problem. The problem was the stuff that was supposed to hold all of these parts together.
You can have all shapes, sizes, colours of bricks, and they can all be added together to build all different types of amazing buildings and structures, but none of these buildings will stand the test of time, or the earthquakes of life, if there is nothing holding them together.
We are no different. We each have different personalities, strengths, weaknesses, preferences, experiences, jobs, bodies, mindsets... that uniquely combine to form us as individuals. Just remember, you are unique, just like everyone else!
Do you trust the "mortar" that you have decided to use?
I see our beliefs, our worldview, God, gods or our own idols as that mortar. You may be relying on your own knowledge, or maybe some tarot cards, or maybe the government, or maybe "the universe". I personally dont trust the universe. When was the last time continuously changing gas, vacuum, rock, fire and various elements helped you out? It just doesn't make any logical sense... Oh dear... so sad...
It is my belief that the only 100% safe mortar of life is a guy called Jesus. If you put all of your trust in him to hold your life together and help you build an amazing life, then you will be on the right track! The Great Architect always uses the best materials, it would be foolish to create our own mortar when the best possible product is available. And it's FREE!!!
Good blog James - was going to say have a great shake free day but as I started to write this we got another shake however my mortar hasnt crumbled :)