Last night I was saying a couple of prayers. Just the usual. Thanks for this, thanks for that. You are God, I am not. Help me with this, help me with that. During this time, I felt like God spoke to me. Not in an audible voice. That's not the common way God speaks to me. It was more of a loud, clear thought, which stands out from all the other thoughts, loitering around my headspace.
I was saying, "can you help me with something? Can you save me from this..." And I felt God say "I'm supposed to be your Lord and Saviour, I can't just be your Saviour. If you want me to be your Saviour, then you need to make me your Lord as well".
Thanks for the wake up call! Yeah, I realised that I can't just "use" God to meet my needs when I want, and then do things my way in between times.
How many times have I said that Jesus is my "personal Lord and Saviour?"
Notice, Lord comes first, and then Saviour. My Personal Lord and (then) Saviour.
If I choose to live my way, I have no right to expect God to save me when I want. Sure, He is full of grace and will often save us when we don't deserve it, but it is a dangerous place to be in, to expect God to bail us out when we continually live in rebellion to Him and His ways.
But if we make Him the Boss, and do as we are told, then he has promised to save us. That's His part. We trust him, the consequences are up to him. But if we trust ourselves, then we need to be prepared to deal with what comes.
So if you are always asking God to save you, but feel like he isn't helping, maybe you should ask yourself, "Is He really the Lord of my life?" Do you do things God's way, or your own way? Is he number one, or are you?
Sure, He doesn't answer every prayer right away... sometimes he says "wait" etc... even to those who truly love God more than anything! All I am saying is that God is God, so we should keep him in that place, not relegate him to our magic genie who is there to save us from our problems...
He's Lord AND Saviour
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