Saturday, July 23, 2011


I bought an iPad. It is really cool! My old laptop has been pretty temperamental for a while now, so I thought it was time to upgrade. This was a big step for me, coz I have always been slow to take up new technologies. I resisted buying a cellphone when they were first becoming popular... then kept the same phone for several years, while others were upgrading at the slightest whiff of a new model. I remained staunch and mildly cynical. Well, we got by just fine for quite a few years with just an old landline at home, who needs a cellphone!

So my new iPad isn't just an iPad, it represents more than that. I have stepped out from behind my cynical spectacles and have decided to embrace a bit of technology instead of holding stubbornly to my old ways. It represents a change in my attitude, from being stubborn about change, to just giving it a go coz it might just improve my life somehow.

There's always a balance... some people are like Steve Job's lap dogs... dribbling all over his pants whenever he persuades you that his latest product is the saviour of the universe, while others, like I used to be, would see everything new, even sliced bread and colour tv as self-indulgent and unnecessary spawns of evil.

Hang on... my latest talking cat iPad app has downloaded. I really need that. Great!

Meeow to you too, my pixellated friend.

So time will tell how useful new technology really is, or if it is just cluttering up my attention so that I miss the point of why i'm even on this planet. But one thing I know is that 'new' doesn't mean 'bad'. I need to let that small-minded attitude go. Conversely, 'new' doesn't necessarily mean 'better'... I need to guard myself from becoming too materialistic... 'New'just means 'new'!


Ok, here I come, stop bugging me.