I have recently attained three new blog followers. They are my first three blog followers. Hello Vicki, Gimlinz and El Duke. I could hardly contain my excitement when I realised that three people are actually interested in what I might say next. Either that, or they hit the wrong button. But I don't believe that is the case, for I am an optimist...
Isn't it interesting how our feelings hinge on what other people think about us? For some of us, every door in our house hinges on others opinion of us, while others may just hear the cat door squeak down the back, in the laundry. Either way, a varying degree of our moods and emotions are in the unpredictable hands of other people. Is it supposed to be this way? After all, some of us profess to "not care what other people think about me". The religious, perfect person, would say that the only opinion they care about is God's. Sure, that is an admirable quality to have, and one that I hope to get more into my character, but for now, let's just imagine that none of us are perfect. Hard for some of us I am sure. How do we handle others opinions of us?
Well I came across a literally life changing quote a couple of years ago. The quote goes something like this: "What you think about me is none of my business". In other words, it would be great if other people like me, respect me etc, but it's none of my business even if you do! Conversely, my thoughts are private. What I think about you is private. So why should I be trying to figure out what you think about me when I don't want you knowing all of my private opinions? Even the most illogical, deluded atheist can agree with that logic!
Imagine if my life revolved entirely around what other people thought about me. I would spend large amounts of energy trying to see my reflection in the face of others. AM I OK??? What if they had had a bad day? What if they didn't understand me? I would quickly become a shallow, nervous wreck. Up and down like the waves. I don't want to live like that. I would rather look into the Perfect Mirror and keep reminding myself what I have seen. Sure, encouragement is an amazing gift that we all receive far too sporadically and ingenuinely, and we should also be giving to others as often as we can, but we should never rely on the encouragement from others to feel good about life. See what God said and did for you and remind yourself as often as you can. En- Courage yourself. In the original greek language, "encourage" literally means "full of courage". When you are feeling brave nothing can stop you! So start encouraging yourself, and don't pay too much attention to what others think about you. Sometimes they may have a good point, and we should always try to be as humble an teachable as we can, but the opinions of others should never control how we feel.
It can be a nice treat though:)
Thank you for your words of encouragement and insightful thoughts James. It has been a treat.