Thursday, October 22, 2009


I love watching the rain. I can think of very few things which bring me a feeling of peace like watching the rain. Yes, it is raining now. Yes I am watching it. Ever since I was a young whippersnapper, the sound of rain on my tin roof was enough to stop anything else going on in my mind, if even for just a few moments. I'm not alone in this either! Everyone knows someone who loves the sound of the rain on the roof!

But why? "It makes me feel all cosy and warm inside my house" is a common response. I feel the same. But that sort of answer is never enough for me though! I always have to know why. Why do you feel cosy? Like an annoying little child wants to know

So I pondered some other things in relation to this experience. For me a huge part of it is a feeling of powerlessness that comes from the revelation that I don't control the rain! There is something that I am not in control of! We all spend our lives in a constant struggle to control our experiences, relationships, environments and anything else that might be going on, and this is tiring! Hence why so many people find huge relief through religion, and the act of "giving control of their lives to their god(s)". Ah, I don't have to try harder, I can just ask God and He will be in charge. Often I sit and stare out the window because this is how I understand my powerlesness in the shadow of God. When I see birds hanging around, the leaves rustling in the breeze, the scent of flowers through an open window, and yes, the rain falling all around me, I cannot help but surrender and for a moment, trust something bigger than me.

Which brings me to my second point. I feel safe. Once I surrender and trust, I feel safe. Safe and cosy. Yes, I may be trusting the roof, to stop me getting wet, but I am sure that there is more to it that. If God can control the rain, then I am pretty sure that He can handle my problems, while I take a break from my stubborn and futile self-reliance! Then the rain stops. Do I still trust God? Sometimes. Maybe I should live somewhere where it rains a lot. I hear Auckland is nice this time of year;)

The End

(As a warning for those who don't know me so well, I often speak sarcastically, ironically, tongue-in-cheekily, and sometimes cynically. Please don't take everything at face value, and definitely don't take offence:) I live in an inner world that is coloured strongly by my intuitive nature, that some people have trouble following) Right that's enough explanation of myself, I have lost my rain of thought.

1 comment:

  1. Knowing the sound and feel of rain when you are 'out in it', the sound of it when you are 'protected from it' gives oneself a sense of safety. As rain is often associated with 'cold' (or the absence of heat), being inside warm and dry brings a certain cosiness to ones demeanor and hearing the rain is a lovely reminder of that.

    And having lived there for 26 years, before seeing the light and moving south, Auckland is never nice at any time of the year!! But it is wet at many times a year!!!
