I like Sundays. One thing that has remained a constant companion for most of my adult life is the Sunday afternoon nap. I used to have a reputation for falling asleep on the couch with all forms of noise generation bombarding my senses. Mostly the 'hearing' sense of course. A lot of it came in non-sensical forms, such as infomercials, or Murray Mexted's rugby commentary, but no matter what form it took, it was always a sleep aid.
Just like watching a game of netball. Yawn. Even thinking about watching a game of netball...
I will have to say though, that motor racing takes the cake as the best Sunday afternoon nap soundtrack. Particular favourites must be the V8 Supercars. Needless to say, the recent 161 lap Bathurst race was an excellent companion for my Sunday afternoon nap. In fact, my afternoon nap began some time before lunch and continued unhindered for about 7 hours. Which begs the question, 'how can an afternoon nap be experienced in the morning?' Well, I will share my thought on that one shall I? I think that you can have a Sunday afternoon nap in the morning because the Sunday afternoon nap is as close to omnipotent as any non-God phenomena can be. And omnipotence transcends time itself! The S.A.N., (for those of us in the profession), has the life-renewing properties unmatched by any other activity known to a single, unmarried man. You enter the activity as a tired, overworked, pathetic individual, and you emerge as a person whose very existence on this planet persuades the moon itself to hang around the Earth for a bit longer. Dreams and perspective are renewed. Anxiety and stress levels decrease, hair is flattened, and excess saliva is carefully removed, and soaked away into the couch, forever.
As always, the Greenies, hemp cardigan wearing, deodorant despising, healthy people amongst us will cry 'why are you not outside enjoying the sun? Who wants to be inside on a day like this?' Yes, I am inside with the tv on, supporting big cars to burn large amounts of fossil fuels, melting the icecaps and destroying tiny island nations, but I have some things in my favour. I live in a house with windows through which the sun shines all of it's goodness. Your amazing outside world doesn't have a monopoly on sunshine so you can't trick me with that one. So back your three-wheeled volkswagen car up buddy. I have the mother of all Gran's Remedys to fix my stinky carbon footprint odour and that is the mighty Nana Nap!
So, there are some unexpected long term benefits to the Sunday Afternoon Nap. Destroying tiny island nations can't be such a bad thing. After all, most of these heretical cultures commit a very unwise sin of trying to have the S.A.N. every day! As with every sinner, they find excuses for their sins, such as "it's too hot to work, so we had to snooze". Too much of a good thing is often a bad thing. If you have too many lollies then your teeth will rot. If you try to inject the Sunday Afternoon Nap into other areas of your week, then you will become a lazy disgrace of a human being. Rest is important every day, but the all powerful S.A.N. should never be removed from its Sunday afternoon throne. Find some other restful activities for the remainder of your week, because sleeping at work, while an admirable and much sought after quality, is often frowned upon by uptight employers.
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