Sunday, November 6, 2011

What's on my mind?

Where do I begin?

About a week ago, this normally healthy young man woke up not feeling too good. When I say normally healthy, I mean, I haven't had a sick day in about five years, haven't even had a headache in a similar length of time. I was one of those annoying people who was always in good condition. I even annoyed myself.

But last Friday, I woke up in a bit of a daze, not in a clear state of mind. Of course, with my track record, I just put it down to a bad sleep, but my boss could tell during the course of our early morning phone call, that I didn't know where I was, or where I had been the day before, or anything! He told me to take the day off, so I went back to bed and woke up mid-afternoon.

A couple of hours later, I ordered pizza and was completely taken by surprise when they turned up half an hour later, as I had no memory of ever even ordering the pizza! So I put it in the fridge and didn't eat it! I can't remember much of that evening, so the next morning I went to the doctor. By this stage, I was almost unable to walk. The doctor recognized some signs from my blood tests and sent me straight to hospital. I had acute renal failure and through my CT scan they had discovered a decent tumour in my brain.

For the next eight days I lay in a hospital bed hooked up to a drip, giving blood and having MRI scans which showed the extent of my brain tumour. This Tuesday night I go back into hospital for a three hour operation to remove part of my skull and part of my brain. The recovery will most likely be long and slow, considering I am not allowed to drive for 12 months either. My life has literally changed overnight with zero warning signs. And it's only just begun. There's a chance of chemotherapy. Of losing memories, and abilities... Etc... But I refuse to dwell on those things. What's the point!

I instead choose to think about other things. For instance, the tumour is at the front of my brain and the access is easy for the doctors. They found it before it was too late. They are incredible at their job. God does miracles. God is our healer. I have thousands of people from all over the planet praying for me. I have had over 50 different people visit me in hospital this week, some of those every day! This is an opportunity and a wake up call to make the most of my life and inspire others. Our society has benefits and insurance to support me while I am unable to work. And I was wise enough to set those up when I bought my house! I have incredible friends and family who are all drawing closer to each other through this time. I am still alive, each day really is a gift and I am far more aware of that now. There's so much good coming out of this, and so much more to come! Look out world!

I have never had an operation, so this will be my first time under general anesthetic. It is a big unknown for me. I wouldn't say that I am afraid. I am more afraid of the needles still, even though I've had about twenty this week! I'm more uncertain, I just have no idea what to expect. Also, I know scores of people are praying for me to have peace, and it's working! Thanks!

So I thought I'd write a blog now so that, just in case I lose my mind, there will be some record of why it happened. Thank you to all those who are supporting me, especially Cat Thompson, and the Crocker family, and my family, friends and church.

This should be an interesting ride.


  1. We love you, i had dunkin donuts already to bring in to hospital on friday but then you bailed......

  2. We like AND love you!!! Praying for your health, surgeons skill and a total recovery. Just let us know if there is any specific prayer request you have James as for the needles, just contemplate on what they USED to say when giving injections, taking blood etc. I'm sure you'll smile :)

  3. James you are an amazingly strong man, we are praying for you and hope that your recovery will be good and you will still be able to joke with your friends. take care and God bless. Trish and Tim

  4. Thank you everyone! I cannot stress how much your support means to me. In just over a week my life has gone from "looking up, improving, going along nicely", to completely uncertain. I have a malignant tumour in my brain. I don't know how long I have left to live. Weeks, months, decades...? I just don't know. This uncertainty is difficult. I can't work. Soon, I can't pay my mortgage. I have a lot to sort out. I have dreams, hopes and visions for my future. I will not give up on these. I will never give up. God never gave up on me, so I will never give up on Him. Thank you for carrying me with your love and prayers. Please don't stop, I need it. See you soon!

  5. You are amazing James. Such a fantastic attitude. I understand what you mean about the good that comes out of these journeys. Don't get me wrong.... cancer sucks big time and it is one heck of a rollercoaster ride but the perspective it gives people is phenomenal. A positive attitude helps soooo much. We tried to maintain that throughout Emily's journey. We figured we had a choice... either be miserable or stay strong and recovery focussed. We maintain this attitued while Em is in remission. Awesome that you are doing a blog. Something to look back on when you are back to full health. Take care and have faith in the amazing Doctors at CPH! Thinking of you. Gary sends you are mighty Halswell Hawk "arghhh arghhh ; )Love and strength from the Wooddin family
