Saturday, August 28, 2010

An Inconvenient Truth

I've been thinking about our culture of convenience lately. Our society tells us that if life is easier, we will be happier. And we believe this. All we need is the latest phone, the quickest checkout aisle, the fastest car, the microwave meal... It's all around us. While there is nothing wrong with these things in themselves, there is a problem when we rely on these things to make us happy. I have noticed a similarity with lust. Both convenience and lust say to us:

"I need a quicker, more powerful, bigger, cooler gadget, meal, experience, etc that does everything I want it to do. When I get what I want I will be satisfied."

It is the same principle as tying a carrot to a stick and dangling it in front of a donkey so that it will keep walking towards it. It never gets what it wants, but it keeps on going in the vain hope that it's desire will be met.

This is a trap.

Don't be a dumbass.

The bible tells us that those who want to keep their life, will ultimately lose it, but those who give their life up will ultimately receive life in it's fullest. That doesn't seem to make sense, but it's true!

It's my thesis that when we decide to inconvenience ourselves for someone else, our lives will be far better than they could ever have been if we had stayed on the convenience path. It's inconvenient, but it's true!

Convenience WILL NOT make your life better. It WILL NOT make YOU better! It might make it EASIER, but that's a different thing. I believe it is a lie. And when we believe lies, we are basically inviting the enemy into our lives to do what he wants. We are supposed to believe the truth. Convenience may make life easier in the short-term, and in our busy culture, many of us only think that far. But if you want your life to count, and you want the world to be a better place, you choosing to inconvenience yourself for others will go a long way.

People who get everything they want when they want become spoilt, overweight, lazy, selfish, complaining....etc

People who decide to put other's needs ahead of their own, will become, humble, healthy, motivated, selfless, thankful, loving...etc

I dare you to try. Use a little bit of faith and see what happens:)

It's inconvenient, but it's true!

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