Monday, January 25, 2010


Sometimes what seems like a step backwards is actually a step forward. Like moving back in with the parents to save for a house. So... hmmm... I wonder if the opposite is true. If what seems like a step forwards is actually a step backwards. I wonder if any step whatsoever is actually a step forwards, no matter what it seems like. In other words, it doesn't actually matter if you feel like you are making a step forwards or backwards, ultimately, they are all steps forwards. So, one step forward, two steps backwards is actually three steps forward, even though it doesn't seem that way. But surely there must be some steps backwards that are actually, in fact, backwards. Even to the most optimistic of people. What makes a backwards step? Our perception of steps doesn't change what they ultimately are. You might feel one thing, but that doesn't mean you are right, because your feelings are not a reliable reading of reality itself. So back to the question. Regardless of how we feel about something, can you go backwards in life, or is every step, ultimately a step forward? You've heard people say, "sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards". Do they mean, actually go backwards, or do they mean, "feel like you are going backwards when ultimately you are still going forwards".

Have I lost anyone yet?

Well done for getting this far!

I have some other thoughts about this, but I reckon here's a good time to stop and see what you think!

Can you go backwards in life, or is every step, ultimately a step forward?

Also, grammatically speaking, should I write "forward" or "forwards" etc?

1 comment:

  1. I would have to say it depends on what your unit of measure is!! If it is say, time. Then obviously the answer is no, you can't go backwards.

    If however it is something like money, career and you measure those things by how much you have or how far up a corporate ladder you are then, yes you can go backwards, i.e. go bankrupt, or lose a job. However those events can then lead to even higher growth at a later date that may not have been attainable if the 'backward step' wasn't taken.


